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zkApp programmability is not yet available on the Mina Mainnet. You can get started now by deploying zkApps to the Berkeley Testnet.

o1js Basic Concepts

o1js, fka. SnarkyJS, is a TypeScript (TS) library for writing general-purpose ZK programs and writing ZK smart contracts for the Mina Blockchain. In order to create a ZKP (zero knowledge proof), you should use types and operations that can be converted into a ZKP. o1js gives you a lot of different built in types and customizable structures that you can use to create ZKPs.

Field Type

Field elements are the basic unit of data in ZK programming. Every other data type (either built-in or composite) in o1js is made up of Field elements.

Each Field element can store a number up to almost 256 bits in size. You can think of it as a uint256 in Solidity, but there are some fundamental differences explained below.


For the cryptography inclined, the prime order of the o1js Field is: 28,948,022,309,329,048,855,892,746,252,171,976,963,363,056,481,941,560,715,954,676,764,349,967,630,336

Creating a Field Element

You can create a Field either with the new constructor or by directly calling the Field as a constructor. The best practice is to use Field without the new constructor.

const x = new Field(42);
const y = Field(923); // Best practice

You can create a Field from anything that is "field-like": number, string, bigint, or another Field. Note that the argument you give must be an integer in the Field range.

const x = Field("12347"); // From string
const y = Field(172384782343434n); // From bigint
const z = Field(x); // From another Field

const k = Field("asdf"); // Throws, as this is not a number
const l = Field("234.34"); // Throws, as this is not an integer

Nevertheless, you can create a Field from a negative number. This method implicity calculates the modular inverse of the given argument. This is an advanced level information, and you do not need it for simple zkApps.

const x = Field(-1); // If you try printing this to the screen, you will see a very big integer

Methods in the Field Type

Field type includes a lot of built in methods. You can call all methods in the Field type either with a Field or with a "field-like" value. In the latter case, the argument is implicity converted to a Field.

All common arithmetic operations exist in the Field type. They create and return a new Field element.

const x = Field(45);
const y = Field(78);

const sum = x.add(y);
const sub = x.sub(y);
const mul = x.mul(47); // You can also use "field-like" values
const div = x.div(89); // This is a modular division
const neg = x.neg(); // This is equivalent to x.mul(-1)

const square = x.square(); // x^2, equivalent to x.mul(x)
const sqrt = x.sqrt(); // Modular square root of x
const inv = x.inv(); // Modular inverse of x

You can also perform logical operations and comparisons with Field elements. These methods return a Bool element, which is another common o1js built in type, equivalent to boolean in other languages and frameworks.

const x = Field(45);

x.equals(45); // True
x.greaterThan(45); // False
x.greaterThanOrEquals(45); // True
x.lessThan(45); // False
x.lessThanOrEquals(45); // True

// It is also possible to check if a Field is even or not
x.isEven(); // False

Assertions in o1js

If you want to reject a TX (transaction) in your zkApp smart contract, you can use assertions in o1js. If you create an assertion inside your ZKP, the proof fails if the assertion does not evaluate to true. All conditional methods on the Field type can be used as assertions.

const x = Field(45);

x.assertEquals(45); // True - passes
x.assertGreaterThan(45); // False - throws
x.assertGreaterThanOrEquals(45); // True - passes
x.assertLessThan(45); // False - throws
x.assertLessThanOrEquals(45); // True - passes

You can think assertions in o1js similar to require() function in Solidity.

Printing a Field to the Screen

Field elements are stored as classes in o1js. This is why if you print a Field without a conversion, you will get an unreadable output. Hopefully, o1js gives a variety of conversion methods to print Field elements to the screen.

const x = Field(45);

console.log(x.toString()); // string
console.log(x.toBigInt()); // bigint
console.log(x.toJSON()); // JSON string

However, note that these methods are not provable, meaning you cannot use them in your final zkApp as a part of the ZKP. Use them only to debug your code.

const x = Field(45);
const y = Field(x.toString()); // You should NOT write this

Other Types and Methods

In addition to the Field type, o1js gives you a variety structures to help you build a powerful zkApp. You can learn more about them in the next chapter, Common Types and Functions.